Thursday, 27 December 2012

Bullying in Schools

I have just watched a video on youtube about bullying in schools and the impact it has.  This is a very real problem that needs to be sorted now.  In fact now is not soon enough.

People like Jamey Rodemeyer, Justin Aaberg & Seth Walsh to name just a few killed themselves because of bullying in school that they couldn't take anymore.  I was bullied in school but nowhere near as bad as these guys but trust me suicide crossed my mind on many occasions.  I was just what I called "To Weak" to do it, I didn't have the guts to inflict pain.

Even after school, after the bullying had stopped and things were looking up I was still suffering from the effects of the bullying.  The scars never left and the depression was always there, it just took the tiniest little thing to upset me.

It wasn't in fact until I was in my 20's that I took an overdose in an attempt to finally end it all, one of my friends however took me to hospital and I was fine.  I may now be on anti-depressants but life is so much better.  Working full time where my colleagues are my best friends and family, working for a company that usually cares about it's staff.