Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Gay Youth In America

I have noticed there are a few Americans reading this blog so I thought I would write a post about gay youth in the united states.

I am from the UK, people in this country are very open minded and accepting of gay people, however as a gay teenager I went through denial, depression and anxiety. In the USA unfortunately not so many people are as open minded so imagine going through the internal pain while also having to deal with physical & verbal harassment at the same time.

This is something that Justin Aaberg (Age 15), Raymond Chase (Age 19), Tyler Clementi (Age 18), Asher Brown (Age 13), Billy Lucas (Age 15) & Seth Walsh (Age 13) know to well.

Unfortunately all these boys committed suicide because of this bullying, this is something that has to be stopped, Dan Savage has started the "It gets better project" to tell young LGBT youth like these guys that if they can get through it life will get better it won't always be as bad as it is at the moment.

Unfortunately suicide is a massive cause of death in the united states and gay youth are far more likely to attempt suicide.

If you are feeling alone and need someone to talk to then there are helplines all over the world to help, for example the Trevor Project in the USA.

I believe getting through this will make you a stronger and more confident person.
Please don't let the bully's get to you, be who you are, not who they want you to be.

If you need Someone to Talk to call the Trevor Project on 866488 - 7386 or visit

Also please remember if you would like to speak to me then email me on or you can also email if there is any specific topic you want mentioned on this blog or leave a comment on any post

Thank you

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