Thursday, 16 December 2010

MYP Suspended Over Gay Porn Pictures

A 19 year old openly gay member of the UK youth parliament, Reace McDonnell has been suspended after the mother of a gay teenage boy allegedly found pornographic pictures of him on a porn networking site.

The boys mother said "I am concerned as a mother for my child.  He has recently 'come out' as gay and has been following the out youth in Plymouth.  Reace McDonnell, who leads this group and is an apparent role model for teens in the LGBT community, is on the internet.  My son has spoken to me about this internet site and thinks this is 'cool'"

Reace McDonnell posted on facebook saying "I would like to remind people NOT to believe everything you read in the papers.  I think its really quite pathetic that you should intringe on my life like this, not only at this pivotal stage, but atall, considering im an adult.  My statement is that the allegation is not based on fact and should be discredited and ignored by all who read it."

A close friend of Reace commented "It's sad that people seem to be so interested in Reace's private life when all the hard work he does representing young people in his public life should be more important.  He's quite open about being gay and has regularly stood up to be counted on the important issues affecting LGBT young people like homophobic bullying.  It's ironic that in spite of, or perhaps because of, his hard work he now seems to be the victim of nasty and upsetting rumours"

Now this is where I take Reace's side, I have not seen these images I couldn't possibly say whether they exist or not, however even IF they do exist then he is 19, legally he is an adult so he hasn't done anything illegal and it is entirely up to him what he does in his personal time it is not as if he was advertising these pictures to any of the young people the youth parliament work with.

So if these pornographic photo's do exist then he was keeping them away from his professional/public life so why the hell was he suspended he has done nothing wrong.

Plus just one thing I would like to know, why was the teenage boys mother looking through gay porn on the internet anyway?

I would really love to know people's views on this subject so please either comment or email your views to

Thank You.

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