Monday, 7 February 2011


I have never really seen what everyone else seems to see in glee, until now.  I only ever watched one episode and didn't really think it was that good, but then recently seen another episode and I loved it, so I watched the next episode and I loved that too.  So I went and bought the complete first season DVD and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm hooked.  I enjoy singing along with all the songs and it's story lines are funny and touching at the same time and they deal with alot of sensitive topics.

Please give me your opinions of Glee either by commenting or emailing also if there is a particular topic you would like to see me talk about on this site just let me know.

I have added the complete first season of Glee to my Amazon store's if you would like to buy it, my stores have a few DVD's that I have watched and would recommend to you.

To get the DVD in UK(Region 2) click here

To get the DVD in US(Region 1) click here

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